Monday, June 02, 2008

A Space in Time

"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment." Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

Harvard Classics 1909-14 IV. Natural Selection; or the Survival of the Fittest

What is the day to bring today? It’s a daily watch, sometimes an hourly market watch not just of money, but a watch of time.

Money… a necessary factor in living day to day, but I always found the more you have the more stressed you become that you will one day loose that false sense of security that money = happiness. Money brings much you can enjoy, all the nice things in life, luxuries, elegance, prestige, but in the end what survival will you know if suddenly it was all lost, taken away, or it became useless?

Look at what happened during the Great Depression and the unfortunate answer to that question as the loss amounted to many people ending their life as they felt the loss of money or a job was the end, for if they couldn’t live by their standard of means they were accustomed to, they felt there was no meaning of life to live.

My fear is what may happen to people if we are to go through a crisis again, in this century how many could really survive what may yet to come? North Americans are used to such a certain standard of living with our transportation, communications, accessibility to clean water, shelves stocked with food, fresh fruit and vegetables, going about our daily lives, waiting for the weekend, the vacations, retirement, yet the future may not hold this and preparation of change needs to be thought out, but is it taken seriously enough or are we still to afraid to face what consequences may soon to come? more