Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Liberal Premiers have Green Thumbs Up

Because the future is to important to ignoreCarbon copy this Harper!

Two great provinces of Canada, Quebec (my birth place) and Ontario my growing years of life and maturity have made me proud to be a part of both today. Premiers Jean Charest and Dalton McGuinty took one large step for voters, one giant leap for political standards on the issue of carbon taxing, not quite the carbon tax Stephane Dion would like to see, but a cap and trade system, a step in the right direction, something the Federal Conservative government has averted their policy away from ever since this environmental policy was suggested.

The next federal election will undoubtedly be a defining election as our next generation of voters are turning of age and have expressed a serious interest and concern in their future of green living; it’s now up to our political leaders and the voters to make their future in an environmental friendly country, happen. more