Thursday, May 15, 2008

Let's Turn Up The Heat and Help Save The Planet

Ontario Wide Gas Strike...Run on Natural Energy

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Monbiot tells all in his book "Heat--How to Stop the Planet from Burning". In Chapter 3 "The Denial Industry" he disproves some experts who have carelessly released reports denying any affects of man made climate change. Those who are coincidently the same people who have been funded by the world's most profitable corporation, with a reporting in autumn 2005 of quarterly earnings exceeding $10 million dollars, the highest corporate earnings on record.

Naming a few , Monbiot exposes the broken link in their claims and their means of continuing the denial that is affecting more people, islands and our precious wildlife most recently the polar bears daily then they want to claim responsibility for and have stated will continue to drill as a threatened species habitat shouldn't be a deterent. READ MORE